what we do
The Project
This project operates on the basis of the United Nations Goal for Sustainable Development no13 which aims at strengthening communities’ capacity to cope, in the form of resilience planning, boosting investment and in aiming towards equitable and sustainable outcomes.

Virtual International Fair!!!
Watch the Teams in Action!
Join us as we follow the efforts of our green teams on their journey to create Virtual Enterprises while crafting their Carbon Offsetting Plan. Observe their dedication and creativity as they strive to become climate neutral by 2050!

The Mission
For CORE, the main goal is to achieve environmental sustainability and prosperity while facilitating economic and entrepreneurial growth as well, and not foster one in spite of the other. The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, has issued a report exploring aspects of youth entrepreneurship as a mechanism to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. In this light, CORE introduces Carbon Offsetting to highschool students aiming at cultivating Entrepreneurial Resilience and Sustainable Development in the future.

Carbon Offset
A Carbon Offset essentially occurs when a company that emits a certain amount of GreenHouse Gasses (GHG) also invests in measures that remove an equivalent amount of GHG from the atmosphere or even completely prevent the emissions in the first place. The project’s outcomes will increase the number of learning opportunities in green forward-looking domains, which foster the development of competences, enhance career prospects and engage participants in areas which are strategic for sustainable growth.

Project's Birth
With the above motivating the consortium, CORE was introduced. Through an innovative curriculum on the topic, virtual enterprise practice and a challenging marathon students are expected to develop the skills demanded for leading future enterprises resilient and at the same time sensitive to environmental challenges meaning that they can cater to both entrepreneurial and environmental needs while facilitating equal growth.

What we aim for
A big objective is enabling children to drive transformation and change in the future by not relying on existing knowledge and tools but by having the mindset and creativity that will guide them through paving new ways, finding resourceful alternatives that guarantee quality of life and business as well as environmental balance. This way they truly understand the meaning of grassroots initiatives and changemaking as true actors of change and capable citizens of tomorrow themselves.
Objective 2
Another major objective, seamlessly targeted throughout all CORE processes is engaging students, educators and the wider community on the changes needed for a successful transition to become climate neutral by 2050, recognized as an important strategy for the communication and facilitation of the European Green Deal by the European Commission.
Objective 3
The last major objective of the consortium Cultivating Competences in a sustainability-relevant sector, developing green sectoral skills, strategies and methodologies, as well as future-oriented modules that better meet the needs of individuals in line with the New European Bauhaus initiative for the incorporation of Green Deal principles into the average everyday experiences.

The plan

Activity 1
Desk Research and surveys on the current levels of Environmental and Entrepreneurial Education in schools and Policies in each country and in the EU in general.

Activity 2
Innovative Educational Guide regarding how to exercise resilient entrepreneurship through practicing Carbon Offsetting including additional references, teaching guidance and step by step instructions. This Guide will include modules as well as tutorial training videos.

Activity 3
Creation of an Online Resource Library to upload the Educational Content developed.

Activity 4
Involved educators will be gathered and trained in Greece aiming at their familiarization with the Educational Modules produced by the partnership in the previous work package as well as the supporting material and the Virtual Enterprise Guide. They will also provide feedback regarding the content developed. The training will essentially prepare them for implementing the pilots in schools.

Activity 5
The trained teachers will now implement pilots of the Educational Modules at schools for a minimum of 10 class hours. The operation will be lead and supported in every aspect by the local project partner.

Activity 6
The teachers trained and involved in the school pilots will lead the Student Projects creation with the aid of the Guide produced and the support of the local project partner as done with the pilots. Students will work in teams to create Virtual Enterprises while crafting their Carbon Offsetting Plan.

Activity 7
Involved educators will be gathered and trained in Greece aiming at their familiarization with the Educational Modules produced by the partnership in the previous work package as well as the supporting material and the Virtual Enterprise Guide. They will also provide feedback regarding the content developed. The training will essentially prepare them for implementing the pilots in schools.

Activity 8
The trained teachers will now implement pilots of the Educational Modules at schools for a minimum of 10 class hours. The operation will be lead and supported in every aspect by the local project partner.
who we are
About The Partnership

Euneos Corporation is a course providing company (SME). It was founded as a spin-off of the Comenius 3 network Comp@ct in 2005. The company is registered in Helsinki Finland. Its main activities include:
Expertise in developing digital and project-based learning.
- Training courses for teachers.
- International project work. Euneos has been an active partner of numerous EU as well as global projects.
Euneos provides in-service training courses for teachers since 2006. Comenius courses were organised from 2006 to 2014. With Erasmus+ programme Euneos started to provide KA1 courses in autumn 2014. Since then, the company has broadened the range of courses and venues. Euneos has an international staff of organisers and trainers. The trainers of Euneos are most experienced in the field of their expertise. For almost all courses we have at least 2 trainers, for bigger groups 3 to 4 trainers. Euneos courses have got fine evaluation results from the participants and they have become well- known and popular. We publish the results, and thanks to them we continuously strive towards improving quality of our courses. Hence, we offer:
- high qualified trainers from different European countries
- good course programmes and methodology
- preparation and post course programme

CEIPES – International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development is a non-profit organisation based in Palermo, Italy. CEIPES has expertise in Education, Innovation and Project management in different European programmes tackling the Education and the capacity building of different target groups. It also promotes lifelong learning, vocational training and entrepreneurship with the aim of enhancing opportunities for youth and adults to improve and acquire competences and therefore boost their employability and inclusion.

Eduact is a nonprofit, beneficent organization in Thessaloniki, Greece, operating since 2013 and having introduced robotics in the greek schools in collaboration with the Ministry of Education. There are twenty full-time employees and a great team of external partners collaborating on projects. In order to achieve set goals, a network of 300+ volunteers has been created. They collaborate with important stakeholders and figures in the country, such as political figures and university professors in order to reach optimal results on all projects. Eduact’s vision is to create a better tomorrow with quality education and innovation. By introducing the concept of innovation into the educational process, the organization aims to give prominence to talented young individuals and provide them with stimuli for creativity. In Eduact research, playful learning and fun are put together to equip youth with useful life skills for future citizens. Eduact holds experience and expertise in digital skills and projects (digital literacy, coding, educational robotics, etc), 21st-century skills (soft skills, life skills, social skills, etc), STEAM skills (Science, Engineering, Technology, Arts, Mathematics), workshops and training (of teachers, staff, parents and students alike), as well as research and dissemination.

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) is a Greek non-profit organisation committed to the promotion of innovation and the enhancement of the entrepreneurial spirit. As a state-of-the-art international organization, a certified Center of Excellence and a DIH, iED produces and transfers know-how, boosts entrepreneurial cognitive processes, and supports every entrepreneurial venture across Europe. Over the years of our activity, we have implemented more than 200 National and European projects under numerous Financial Frameworks and established a wide network of partners and collaborating organizations from Europe and beyond. Using our network and our expertise in diverse EU-funded research and innovation projects focused on entrepreneurship, we have created an all-inclusive Knowledge Hub that covers the needs of the pan-European entrepreneurial ecosystem.

edEUcation is a consultancy, which was established in 2010, specialising in working with schools, youth groups, adult education providers and training organisations on international projects in Europe and namely in France and the UK. The consultancy is led by an experienced EU external expert. He is assisted by project managers and associate consultants, with expertise in training, youth work, adult and vocational education and improving the standards of teaching and learning. edEUcation has strong links with HEIs, schools, youth and training organisations and national and local authorities. edEUcation has experience of Erasmus+ and the former Lifelong Learning Programmes of Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus and transversal projects.

I & F Education is an Irish based organisation working in and from Dublin for the educational development of people of all ages, especially in the areas of entrepreneurship, sport and personal development, youth and schools, language acquisition, inclusion and diversity and rural development. We stress and put the emphasis on lifelong learning as well as adult learning. We are involved in a number of Transnational European Projects and are part of several European Networks, including The New Ideas for New Opportunities European Network and the EDIN Network, which is focused on diversity and inclusion.

University of Thessaly, with 37 Departments, and 8 schools is a University with its own identity and with a prominent position in our national educational system. University of Thessaly provides undergraduate and postgraduate programs and extra-curricular modules in specific research and business fields, for over 43.000 students. The main mission of the University of Thessaly is the promotion of scientific knowledge through research and the contribution to the cultural and economic development of the local community and wider society. It is known for its excellent research performance and outstanding scientific achievements, in accordance with the international standards. The excellent equipped Laboratories of the different Departments and Research Units have a number of well- trained researchers to support them. As part of its future goals, University of Thessaly intends to strengthen its cooperation’s abroad, increase its human resources, upgrade and utilize existing human resources, attract young scientists and encourage research through the creation of modern research structures, increase infrastructure and utilize its assets and funds from the EU with the research programmes Horizon 2020, RFSR, FP6, FP7, INTERREG and LIFE. The members of the academic and research staff participate in European research networks and numerous innovative research projects in the EC.Today the University of Thessaly has 39.000 undergraduate students, about 3.000 postgraduate students and about 1000 PhD students. It also has 610 members of teaching and research staff, 120 members of teaching staff with a temporary teaching contract, 450 members of administrative staff and 100 members of Special Technical Laboratory Staff.